There is a maximum of 10 students per class.
Children are required to be independent in the bathroom.
The 2 day and 3 day classes will have the same learning themes, however activities will be altered to fit the developmental levels of each age group. The 3 day class includes a day of Pre-K learning activities to prepare them academically for kindergarten. All 4 year olds are HIGHLY encouraged to ALSO enroll in the free Waterford Upstart online learning lessons.
Tuition $95/month
Materials Fee $95 (for supplies, snacks, field trips, etc. Due before your child is placed in a class.) Non-refundable
Tuition $130/month
Tuition $130/month
Materials Fee $130 (for supplies, snacks, field trips, etc. Due before your child is placed in a class.) Non-refundable
$5 late fee added for payments made after the first class day of the month. Venmo payments preferred.
$5 late fee added for payments made after the first class day of the month. Venmo payments preferred.
(Students joining mid-year will receive a prorated materials fee.)