Other fun things you'll experience at Let's Learn! Preschool:

Field Trips: There are 3-4 fieldtrips planned per year. Some fun places include Pumpkin Patch, Post Office/Fire Station, Bean Museum, Grocery Store, Ice cream shop, Cabellas, etc.
Free Play: Let's Learn! Preschool has quality outdoor equipment! We also have a huge sandbox, playhouse, and concrete pad with cars, tools, slides, jumpropes, hula hoops, woodworking bench, climbing dome, outdoor chalkboard, Jungle Jumparoo and MORE! We go outside EVERY DAY!
Snack Time: Your child will be given a snack daily including water and a snack (usually crackers). This is not intended to replace your child’s healthy breakfast or lunch. All children will properly wash and dry hands before snack time. Your child is not required to eat the snack. However, we will be learning polite ways to refuse snack as well as proper table manners. (Snacks are provided by preschool.)
Facebook: A private group is utilized for on-line lessons as needed.

Graduation: At the conclusion of the preschool year, a special graduation event is planned for your child and his/her family. The preschoolers perform some of their favorite songs from music/movement time, watch a slideshow of the year's activities, receive their own diploma, and eat treats! Each family is given the gift of the Preschool slideshow to enjoy over and over!